Incredible Hacks that Florists Use to Keep Flowers Fresh
Do you manage flowers on a constant basis? Do you want to ensure that your flowers remain fresh for as long as possible? Well, you’re at the right place. This article includes a collection of useful tips that can help you keep flowers beautiful and fresh. We will also go into details about purchasing the best bloombox Singapore later if you are looking for one. So without any further ado, let's dive into some flower saving hacks:
1. Trim the Stem:
If you have bought your flowers from a professional luxury florist, you
can keep them fresh for about 2 to 3 days. You can clip the stems again
after a few days. Cutting at a 45 degree angle is recommended by
professional florists because it helps the stem absorb maximum amount of
2. Choose the Right Flower Vase: You
have to find the perfect flower vase in order to keep your flowers fresh
for a longer time. Make sure that the stems aren’t cramped and there is
breathable space between the water and mouth of the container.
3. Do Not Forget to Change the Water:
It’s always recommended to keep changing the water every two days. This
ensures that any harmful microorganisms are removed from the container
and fresh odour is restored. Remove any dead flowers as well if you find
4. Place the Flowers at the Right Spot:
It’s tempting to keep flowers at the most visible location at home like
a kitchen table. But you should always remember two things when it
comes to placing: 1. Keep them in a shaded and cool place, 2. Keep them
away from fruits, food, and any other organic material.
Blooming Poet is one of Singapore's best flower stores. A wide variety
of carefully designed and handmade flower and floral décor solutions
will be found here. Bloom box Singapore,
for example, is a one-of-a-kind item that is difficult to locate
elsewhere. You won't have to worry about missing an important occasion
because they specialize in floral design and same-day delivery. Their
online shop enables you to place an order and have it delivered straight
to your home or business location. Now that you know whom to contact
for your flower needs, contact them now.
About Blooming Poet:
Blooming Poet is a luxury florist that provides the best flower delivery Singapore.
For more information, visit

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