Incredible Hacks that Florists Use to Keep Flowers Fresh

Do you manage flowers on a constant basis? Do you want to ensure that your flowers remain fresh for as long as possible? Well, you’re at the right place. This article includes a collection of useful tips that can help you keep flowers beautiful and fresh. We will also go into details about purchasing the best bloombox Singapore later if you are looking for one. So without any further ado, let's dive into some flower saving hacks: 1. Trim the Stem : If you have bought your flowers from a professional luxury florist, you can keep them fresh for about 2 to 3 days. You can clip the stems again after a few days. Cutting at a 45 degree angle is recommended by professional florists because it helps the stem absorb maximum amount of water. 2. Choose the Right Flower Vase : You have to find the perfect flower vase in order to keep your flowers fresh for a longer time. Make sure that the stems aren’t cramped and there is breathable space between the water and mouth of t...